Creature Collection: Zombies

Creature Collection - Zombies Another Creature Collection piece revealed! Like the others in the series, this illustration is printed on a line of trading card game accessories - card sleeves, playmats, deckboxes, cardboxes, and dicebags. They're also being printed as promotional tokens given out by for use while playing Magic: The Gathering. :)

This piece was the first time I actually approached the image knowing it was going to be on a playmat. For the others, for various reasons, I did the token first and then expanded it out to fit the playmat/deckbox layout. Because of that, this is the only one with a whole cast of characters. The fun thing is that we then got to give each one their own token! :)

I actually really, really enjoyed doing this piece. I used a different brush set than usual (I honestly tend to stick with the default round) and got really excited about the textures and colors. The little guy in the lower right is my favorite, he just looks so cute. :)



GP Miami Playmat for


GP Miami Playmat

HOOO BOY. This one was a challenge!

I got to do SCG’s playmat for Grand Prix Miami in June!

We went through a lot of different ideas and eventually settled on this craaazy crammed beach scene. My thought was that one of the interesting things about playmats is that you spend a lot of time looking at them but not really seeing them, while you’re playing. I wanted to create something that would sort of surprise you every once and again with something you maybe didn’t notice before. :)

Also, I happen to have a lot more WIP shots than usual this time, so I put together a process gif for y’all! :) Should show you just how much stuff I fiddle around with during a painting. No matter how hard I try to plan everything out ahead of time, things always change as I start responding to what I have.